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A glimpse into our expat life in Mudanjiang, China, circa 2011.
Sometimes I get into these very thoughtful moods where I begin to deeply appreciate my life and put things into realistic perspective. I feel appreciative more often than not, but today I felt especially so.
I was walking home from work and thought, holy shit, I live in China with my incredible and loving fiancé who makes me laugh all day long. We have a big apartment with jobs that more than pay the bills. I have amazing friends, the best, most supportive family I could dream of. I’m healthy and happy, AND I get to hang out with Chinese babies for work. My life is awesome.
These days of reflection and realization are great. I never feel more alive or satisfied than on these days.

I get to hang out with these adorable and hilarious Chinese kiddos all day. Tell me that’s not awesome.
So what spurred these reflective feelings on? This afternoon I had a two hour private tutoring lesson with a 16 year old young woman named Betty, which bled over into two and a half hours because she’s a joy to talk to and can speak fluent English, a rare gem in the third tier city in northeastern China where we live. (We’ve only met six expats here, including us!)
Betty and I were chatting about China and politics, and her future goals and dreams. She asked me what I majored in during college, and I told her I got my B.A. in Speech Pathology, but didn’t continue on to a three year Graduate program, so I can’t really use it.
She was understandably inquisitive as to why I didn’t go on with my studies to become a Speech Pathologist. I explained to her that while that might have been a good idea, looking further down my life path, it wasn’t the future I wanted.
Going straight into Graduate school after getting my Undergraduate degree would mean piling on the student loans, meaning that I’d need to get a job right after graduation so I could start paying back said loans. And getting a job would mean being dedicated to establishing a successful, long term career, and then soon after likely settling down and starting a family, leaving me no substantial amount of time to pursue my passion of travel and seeing the world. I just didn’t think I could choose the former over the choice of having a grand adventure and doing what made me happy. It’s not that the other path of going straight to Grad school is wrong or bad; it’s just not the path I wanted.
Betty attends the most prestigious and rigorous high school in Mudanjiang, #1 High School. Students like her often study there from 7am-9pm, and some even live there in dorms.
Betty nodded and smiled, but her eyebrows were still raised, cocked awkwardly to the side and I could tell she was puzzled.
So I broke down my reasoning for her asking one simple question about life choices: Why?
It began like this:
“So, right now you are studying hard everyday in high school. Why?”
“To get into an amazing college.”
“To graduate with a useful degree.”
“To get a great job.”
“To make lots of money.”
“To be happy.”
Her answers are common around the world, especially in westernized and quickly developing nations where happiness and making money are viewed as one in the same. This prescribed stepladder to happiness definitely does pan out for some, and for the people who planned it out like this and achieved it, that’s amazing. But for a lot of us, this isn’t a path we choose. It’s a road we think we should be on. It’s a life that was laid out for us by our family, by social convention. It’s what we’ve been told we’re supposed to do. And by following that path, yes, we have chosen it, but why? It’s by no means easy, and it’s not necessarily the road to happiness either. We can graduate from the great college, get the high paying job, but then what? What if this scenario does pan out, but we find ourselves unfulfilled?
What if instead we choose another way? We have the option to choose a life that never involves saying the words “Thank god it’s hump day!” or feeling the need to post on Facebook “It’s almost Friday !”
What if our Facebook statuses instead read things like “Just climbed Mount Fuji” or “Getting paid while at the beach 🙂 ” What if we chose a path less traveled and more uncertain, with the potential to yield more happiness, simply because the typical plan that’s been laid out for us isn’t guaranteed to please either? Isn’t life just one big uncertainty anyways? Why not go for exactly what we want, what we know makes us happiest?
I find myself occasionally frequently idling for hours in front of my Facebook news feed, reading and looking at pictures and statuses of people I never barely ever talk to from high school or college, stalking what’s going on in their life. Why? Great question. But the better question would be why do I sometimes feel like shit afterwards?
My life is great. I’m doing what I want to be doing. I really have very few complaints except that I’m looking forward to when Stevo and I move to a bigger city in China with more to do. But that is something we’re taking action to make happen soon. So what’s the deal?
When these crappy feelings happen, I really should be the one asking myself “Why?” Why am I wishing I did/was doing the things other people are doing? Do I really wish that? Why am I not pleased with what I’m doing? And if I am happy, then why do I care about their business?
It would be great if I, if we all, could get to a point when we are so comfortable with our own lives that browsing through our Facebook news feed didn’t cause internal flailing about our own life choices. If seeing those seemingly daily wedding and baby pictures and “Landed an amazing job with Apple!”, “I’m going to Maui!”, “Got my masters!” and “Just ran my first marathon!” statuses didn’t turn us into envious, self-deprecating shadows of our true selves. If we could just say “Wow, that’s great for Jessie, the girl I barely knew from high school Chem class, that she just won the lottery. I’m truly happy for her.”
But not only is this not always an immediate reaction, some perverse part of us me (I won’t presumably drag you into my darkness) even seems to find a small joy in others’ downfalls. Like when I found out through the grapevine that my high school crush, who somehow never realized how awesome I am, got herpes at a skanky party during his freshman year of college.
I’d like to think my happy reaction to that news was more so relief that I don’t have herpes than that he does. But still, why did his horrific genital life sentence make me even slightly happy? Or any happier than finding out something positive about him, like the sweet job he landed in the Bay Area.
Maybe people we know, or barely know, chose a different path than ours. And maybe their decisions went a little more smoothly, or appear to on the surface, their red bumps hidden from public view. As long as the path we are on was the one we chose, and we chose it because we wanted to, we ought to be pumped about our own lives, every day. We control our own destinies, our own life stories. No one is holding a gun to our heads and telling us how to live.
On days like today when I realize this and appreciate my life and the choices I’ve made, I do feel excited for others. Truly. Not a pang of jealousy or guilt for choosing the path I did goes through me as I waste my morning scrolling down my news feed. I am happy, and I realize it and admit it to myself.
I should feel this way every day.
“My life is awesome!”
My point is, we can choose our own path and choose to appreciate our own lives for a lot of reasons, and we should do it more regularly. And instead of beating ourselves up for things we aren’t doing or didn’t do, we can move forward from today to live life the way we want.
When we get to the point where our victories aren’t simply that we’ve won out against our peers, but that we are honestly excited for their achievements as well, that will be a great day. I hope we can all find a way to get to that point and remain there.
But if that day never comes, at least our high school crush didn’t give us herpes.
I hate going home because it never fails that I get asked the following questions by everyone.
“When am I going to settle down?”
“When am I getting married?”
“Don’t you want kids?”
It’s like never (now if someone in Iceland would hire me I would happly live there for years). I don’t know on the marriage thing. It depends if I met a guy who is ok with my lifestyle. I actually don’t want kids at all. It is hard for them to understand that I don’t really relate to them anymore. I left and I am happy for their form of success but I would rather do things my own way and no worry about people on facebook’s opinion.
Agreed, we can enjoy our successes within our lifestyle and also be happy for others who are doing well on their chosen path. When we went home at the end of 2014 I (Jen) also felt really out of place and had a hard time relating to people I’ve known for decades. At the end of the day we choose travel and live abroad because we love it, and are lucky to have the opportunity. It’s not for everyone, but it is for us!
What a wonderful read! Betty sounds like an aspiring career woman in the future but ultimately, her end goal is what really counts. Great eye trick on that sand laptop by the way! I’m happy for you, I’m happy that you’re as optimistic and bright as you can ever be. Whatever you’re doing to give to teach the kids, keep it up!
Thanks Karla! Appreciate your kind comment 🙂 Optimism is key!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and personal struggles. Comparisons whether online or offline are never productive!! Have fun. Looks like you are having a blast. Enjoy and happy travels.
Thanks Rosemary! You’re right, comparisons are never productive! We’ve got to live our own lives with gratitude and do the best we can. Happy travels to you ladies as well 🙂
We all have both days, some where we are really happy and some where we hope for a little bit better- especially when Facebook makes comparing so easy. But in the end, I will believe that ‘My life is awesome!’ 🙂
Your life is awesome!! And yes, the bad days help us appreciate the good ones 🙂
Great post! Although I spend way too much time on social media, I don’t really envy other people’s lives. Instead, I try to be happy for them. I know not all of us get the same opportunities we all work hard for what we get. We should realize that more and also that not everyone may be able to ever be in the same position…
I totally agree!! Thanks for your comment 🙂
Loved reading this! You’re a great writer. Thanks for sharing and happy travels 🙂
Aw thanks Carmen! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it. Happy travels to you too!
So true. I’m working hard to stop spending so much time on social media. Turning off all the notifications is helping a lot since I have to actively go to it, instead of it seeking me out. Thanks for sharing.
That’s a great idea, Megan! Social media can be such an unproductive time suck. I just got my first smart phone, and one of the first things I did was hide all my social media in a folder so I can’t even see the notifications until I open it. I’m afraid of becoming addicted!
Agreed! It takes some balls to pursue the things that make you truly happy in life, so good on you 🙂
Love some of those picks btw!
Thanks! Good on your guys as well:) I love following your adventures as you pursue the life you love!